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My inspiration in teaching comes from the following mentors...Sherry McConkey, my first yoga teacher, who taught me the importance of a consistent practice, how to "keep it real" in a yoga classroom with honesty and humor, and to believe in myself.  Meg McCracken for her overflowing passion for yoga and her poetic way with skillful language; Ashleigh Seargent for her depth of knowledgable sequencing and movement as therapy;  Kim Jackson for teaching me how to see bodies and the importance of a meditation practice;  Jen Breen, who teaches me on a daily basis to trust, ease into the flow, and stay curious;  Sarah Powers for teaching me the importance of sitting through resistance and the immense benefits of a yin practice.


Right now I am excited teaching a mixed bag of trail mix!  Serious, fun, invigorating, calming, and always grounded.  I teach from a potpouri of inspiration, steeped in a love for holistic health.  As a body worker, I respect and encourage students to give back to their bodies through self-care and a deep inner listening that develops from a consistent practice.  For me, yoga provides the life balance for enjoying life more fully and more meaningfully and I absolutely love sharing the experience with others.

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